
Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids Guide

Over the last 30 years, Halocarbon’s industrial lubricants have evolved beyond their initial use in aerospace and military applications to more advanced manufacturing applications. One such application involves the use of Halocarbon fluorinated lubricants in mechanical seals.  Halocarbon engineers have specifically designed chemically-inert and nonflammable oils for use as mechanical seal barrier fluids and buffer fluids, optimized for both performance and value. Before you choose one of our fluids, please read on to determine which fluid is best for you.

Do I need a mechanical seal barrier fluid or buffer fluid?

Whether you choose a barrier fluid or a buffer fluid for your mechanical seal depends on the sealing arrangement of your system. A barrier fluid should be used in an application that uses pressurized dual seals. This system includes a way to pressurize the barrier fluid that is being used. When the fluid becomes pressurized, a barrier is formed between the atmosphere and pumped fluid, and it circulates to ensure the mechanical seal is completely protected.

A buffer fluid should be used with unpressurized systems. In this type of system, the fluid is kept within a reservoir with supply lines that are connected to the mechanical seal itself. An internal circulating device will then circulate the fluid throughout the seal.

Both barrier fluids and buffer fluids protect your mechanical seal by preventing process material leaks, controlling friction, and providing lubrication.

What are the ideal characteristics I should be looking for in a mechanical seal barrier or buffer fluid?

First and foremost, you want a fluid that is safe. Whether in use or in storage, the fluid you choose should meet high safety standards. Ideally, the fluid chosen will be nonflammable, chemically inert, and compatible with seal materials. It will have low compressibility, good lubricity, high thermal stability, good heat transfer, and will be reasonably priced.

Why choose Halocarbon fluorinated oils as your fluid?

For several decades, Halocarbon oils have been successfully used in API 682/ISO 21049 barrier fluid piping plans. They are designed to be compatible with these standards and requirements. Time and time again, our oils have maximized both the performance and value in mechanical seals. Not only do these oils have proven success, but they are also manufactured with the intention of being used as a nonreactive, non-toxic barrier fluid.

Halocarbon has four fluids that would be ideal for use with mechanical seals: Halocarbon MSHV04, Halocarbon MSHV06, Halocarbon MSLV27, and Halocarbon MSLV56. MSHV04 is a lower viscosity inert oil and is typically used as a mechanical seal oil or instrument fill fluid. MSHV06 is also a lower viscosity inert oil and is typically used in the same applications as MSHV04. MSLV27 and MSLV56 are medium viscosity inert oils and are typically used for general purpose lubrication.

Due to these oils being safe, chemically inert, and nonflammable, all three of these oils can be used as a barrier fluid or a buffer fluid. They meet all the ideal characteristics a barrier fluid or buffer fluid should have, including stability at room/normal temperature, non-foaming when pressurized, good lubricity, and the list goes on.

“Our products will help prevent your systems from leaking so that you can keep operating at peak efficiency, in a cost effective and environmentally-friendly manner.”

Whether you are looking for a mechanical seal barrier fluid or buffer fluid, Halocarbon oils can get the job done for you in the most effective and safe way possible. Our oils can be purchased in quantities ranging from a quart, to a carboy, to a drum. Looking to learn more or purchase an oil? Contact us today!

Contact halocarbon

Corporate information

(470) 419-6364

Corporate Headquarters

6525 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

Manufacturing Plant

1100 Dittman Ct
North Augusta, SC 29841

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